Established in 1989, Infocan's business focus is to provide information technology enabling and skills transfer services to organization users. Enable means to turn hardware and software products int
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫安富勤電腦有限公司

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

主要是為了提供一個便捷的網上平台,讓各界人士可透過互聯網這個跨地域的網絡媒體, 取得即時租車及相關的應用交通資訊

specializing in selling and distributing all types of high quality motorcycles produced by leading manufacturers in the world.
N汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd

Expanding Internet applications service provider for Beauty and Education Industries invites the qualified candidates for the following vacancies.

經營汽車買賣,提供的優質汽車配套服務包括租賃 、靚牌、美容、維修、財務、保險、二手車買賣和配套產品等.

專營的士及小巴買賣,為客戶辦理的士及小巴買賣按揭 分期﹑代理保險﹑代客收租托管的士小巴﹑維修及報稅等業務.

Tak Sing Alliance Group was founded by Mr. Ma Kai Cheung who started a jeans manufacturing business under the name of "Tak Sing Garment Factory" in Hong Kong in 1967. As a result of rapid b

Founded in Shanghai in 1857, Wheelock and Company Limited is a listed investment holding company (Stock Code: 20) headquartered in Hong Kong. The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 4) , the Groupˇ
物業地產 / 地產代理公司會德豐有限公司

物業地產 / 物業管理服務僑樂物業服務(中國)有限公司

為配合客戶的需要,集團提供完善的一站式服務,包括按揭、保險、幸運車牌、資訊、驗車、保養及美容等, 務求令顧客 “買得放心 ,用得安心”。

消閒及娛樂 / 好去處香港馬術聯合會Hong Kong Riding Union

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Learning to kiteboard without official instruction is not advisable and can lead to injury or death to yourself and others VIDEO CLIP

至力發展推動獨木舟運動, 以培育青少年積極參與此項運動,同時積極培訓教練人材在培訓過程中發揮所長, 並熱烈鼓勵青少年參加比賽,在比賽過程中體驗及吸取比賽的樂趣。

本團特採用軍隊的訓練模式來鍛 練青年人,以冀能透過軍隊在紀律及應付逆境的訓練而令團員能培養堅毅不屈、勇於面對困難及自律守規。
運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體香港紀律訓練團

馨浪汽車香薰 - 香味包括有 "悠揚馨浪"、"山盟海誓"、"薰衣草" 等等,香味持久

Teachers maintain a current, vital connection with the work of BKS Iyengar. Students benefit from the high quality of instruction and personal attention

Our vision is to deliver competitive advantages for enterprises and government organizations to progress by optimizing their information systems efficiency. C&T has the experience and knowledge o
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫IPL Research Limited

The I Consulting Group Limited (ICG) is a Hong Kong based company with service coverage in Singapore, London and Guangzhou . Being successful in today's world of business requires intelligence, innov
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫I Consulting Group Limited
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